The René touraine fondation
Since 1991, the FRT-Fondation René Touraine has been working towards the improvement of patient care in dermatology.
The fondation
Professor René Touraine, who was at the origin of clinical and therapeutic research in dermatology in France, died in 1988. One of his student, the professor Louis Dubertret, created the Fondation René Touraine (FRT) in 1991.
The FRT is an international non-governmental and non-profit organization recognized of public utility by the French law.
Its main goal is to support therapeutic progress in dermatology in order to help patients suffering from skin diseases all over the world.
To do so, the Foundation has a multidisciplinary approach by gathering at the international level dermatologists, researchers, patient associations, pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries and Health authorities.
You are a healthcare professional ?
In order to acquire knowledge and to develop skills that are necessary to improve patient care, the FRT gives you access to:
- Therapeutics in Dermatology, a free e-portal in dermatology with about 400 articles on different diseases and drugs
- Training sessions on different topics: rare skin diseases, psoriasis, clinical research…
- Annual top-level scientific meetings on recent research findings concerning one skin cell different each year
- Prestigious conferences during European congresses such as the ESDR and the EADV
- International congresses: SPIN congress on inflammatory skin diseases (every 3 years), and World Congress on Rare Skin Diseases on rare skin diseases (every 2 years)
- Mobility grants for young researchers and hospital clinical dermatologists intended to promote exchanges and collaborations between biological or clinical research centers
Our statutes
The new statutes of the Fondation René Touraine, approved on January 27, 2015, further strengthen its commitment to therapeutic progress in dermatology and the improvement of care for rare or chronic inflammatory skin diseases.
An Open Door to Knowledge
Thanks to the FRT, patients improve their knowledge of their skin diseases and become real actors in their care.
The FRT gives them access to information specifically tailored for patients on Therapeutics in Dermatology (mettre lien TD).
The FRT has also developed interactive directories listing treatment centers dedicated to chronic inflammatory skin diseases (mettre lien SPIN) and to rare diseases (mettre lien RSDN) in order to facilitate contact with an expert.
The FRT is convinced that the coordination of efforts leads to the improvement of patient care and offers in particular customized partnerships opportunities for the industry with each of its networks (mettre lien page partenariat). Do not hesitate to contact us!
The FRT team
Our team has 3 full time project officers:
Anne-claire Arnaud
– SPIN – Skin Inflammation & Psoriasis International Network
– FRT Communication Coordinator
– Contact : Email ou +33 1 45 32 54 17
Marie Guillou
– Rare Skin Diseases Network
– European Reference Network (ERN-Skin) for rare skin disorders
– Contact : Email ou +33 1 45 32 54 17
Christina Pitton
Thérapeutique Dermatologique, a free e-dermatology portal
– Administrative management of the FRT
– Organisation of the scientific meetings
– Management of the FRT fellowships
– Contact : Email ou +33 1 45 32 54 17
The operation of the foundation
The Fondation René Touraine is supervised by a Board of Directors. This Board decides on budget, expenses and resources. It decides about the proposals of the Scientific Board.
The Fondation René Touraine works through a Scientific Board integrating 13 high-profile European dermatologists. This Board oversees the development of 4 Scientific Committees, which steer the Fondation René Touraine’s main 4 networking activities: “Rare Skin Diseases Network” (RSDN), “Skin Inflammation & Psoriasis International Network” (SPIN), “e-Dermatology” Portal and the “Science FRT” Portal.
Since 2015, the FRT has been publishing an annual activity report detailing the main developments in its doctrine and elements related to its activities, in accordance with the provisions of Article R. 341-17 of the Code relating to public service.
Initial founding industries
Companies that contributed to the Foundation’s initial endowment